
CBD Hot Gel


Dinafem Products presents CBD Hot Sport Gel, a heat-effect pain-relief cream for sore muscles after physical exertion. This 100% natural remedy containing solely organic hemp oil and pure CBD is great for providing a feeling of comfort as well as for preparing your muscles for intense training. Read more >

Cannabidiol (CBD) offers a wide range of therapeutic benefits that help fight achey and tired muscles. Its application prepares your muscles and your skin before doing physical exercise too, reducing the risk of suffering pulled muscles and pain.

How to use: Apply before and after working out with a gentle massage. Its lingering heat effect is pleasant and causes no burning sensation.

Main ingredients: Aloe Vera, olive oil, Cannabis Sativa extract, Arnica, peppermint, CBD, chamomile extract, Calendula extract, vegetable glycerine, and natural essential oils, among others. For topical use only.

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