- During these last days, Dinafem’s audiovisual production team has been trying to digest the serious blow delivered by censorship and YouTube. Without any prior notice and without telling us why, YouTube has unilaterally decided to suspend our channel. Who knows why… maybe there’s a ‘black hand’ behind.

We can neither upload or manage our videos, nor access our channel to make the changes they regard as adequate. Our channel has been suspended and there was nothing we could do but issue an appeal, through a link, for which we only received an automated response confirming the suspension.
We truly believe that our channel hasn't disobeyed any of the community rules because no violence, nudity, justification of violence or of drug consumption is found in it.
There's nothing that can't be found on thousands of YouTube channels. Yes: we do show cannabis plants, which still seems to make people feel a bit uncomfortable.
All the videos posted during these last years: censored. Videos showing our plants, our trips, our daily lives, our visits to cannabis farms, interviews… All censored at once.
15,000 subscribers, 4,000,000 views, over 150 videos and years of hard work that vanish without a trace. Try to figure out how we're feeling right now.
During all these years making videos, we've met amazing people and visited incredible places. We've travelled all around the world: Canada, the USA, South America, Africa, Europe… We've laughed a lot, we've travelled even more, we've ended up exhausted, we've slept very little, we've spent loads of hours at the airport and we've seen and recorded many awesome plants, which is exactly what we really like. YouTube is not going to take that away from us.
At least for now, all our videos are available on our Vimeo channel. If you want to see what we're up to, you can do it here:
All we can do now is wait and decide what to do next. Wait to see if YouTube gives us our channel back, which is rather unlikely to happen, or maybe create a new YouTube channel in a place we don't seem to be much welcome and see how long it lasts... We'll see. What we do know is that we'll keep on making videos of cannabis plants from every corner of the globe so that you can also enjoy them.
We just want to thank all those who've watched our videos, subscribed to our channel, given us likes and commented on them (thanks to the trolls and haters too). See you soon. We'll figure out how ;)
-King Kush-
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