In Search of the World's Most Potent Marijuana

  • For decades marijuana producers, especially in the United States, have been working on creating pretty, potent and perfect marijuana. They have crossed thousands and thousands of strains to boost THC levels in order to obtain levels apt for their aims. How far will they be able to take it?

More than 30 years ago, in 1978, cannabis contained average THC levels around 1.37%. By 2008 that level had risen to 8.5% thanks to the work of numerous producers who have been trying out every possible combination of cannabis in search of the ideal plant. The progressive trend towards legalisation in recent years has helped to augment those levels and to reveal the tricks - this time, legally - allowing the producers of some varieties in Colorado clinics to achieve levels of 20-25%. One Denver grower even reports having hit 33%. 

His strain has been analysed by various American laboratories, which concluded that his plants' THC levels were between 30 and 33.5%, percentages that any smoker would want to experience - although some believe that doing so must be harder than it looks. 

Their creator (who calls himself RB-26 on Instagram) explains that everything depends on the method one uses to grow his plants. His technique is simple: he always grows in a small space so that nothing escapes his attention, he calculates each product down to the last millimetre, and records each process to keep tabs on everything and to protect his plants from contamination, from receiving too much light (or heat), and from lacking fertiliser. 

RB-26 claims that this ultra-calculated care is what has yielded his plants' “superpotency.” It should not be forgotten, however, that no matter how carefully one grows his strains, their genetics will be decisive when it comes to their THC levels. 

Some are sceptical that these levels of potency are possible. Many think that the laboratories charged with verifying the percentages do not have the tools necessary to make totally precise calculations, and doubt whether it is possible to further increase marijuana THC levels. Producers, nevertheless, trust that they will be able to continue doing so, with much work and effort, as they have hitherto. Time will tell who is right.


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