These Glasses Made out of Hemp Are All the Rage Is a Wave of Hemp-based Products Rolling In?

  • Products made of hemp are increasingly the “in thing.” Well aware of this are two students from England who received €45,000 in funding to make sunglasses out of this material. In the future they hope to diversify their work, although there are already other items made with hemp. In fact, they are more common than you might imagine.

At the beginning of the year Sam Whitten and Brad Smith, two Design students at Glasgow Caledonian University, invented a pair of ground-breaking brown cannabis glasses, in the purest Ray-Ban style, and with an unmistakable cannabis essence. Before even putting them on sale they had received orders for 150% more than they had forecast.

Whitten and Smith indicate that their hand-made product, made by hand, can be trusted from the optical point of view, as the glasses protect one's eyes from the sun’s rays. The response has been so positive that the students have decided to continue down the hemp path and expand their work to design clothing and furniture made completely out of this product.

This is hardly surprising when, after filing with Kickstarter to raise funds to make their project feasible, they raked in more than 47,000 euros - when their target was just 35.000.

The two explain that hemp products are environmentally sound and “greener” than those made out of other materials, like plastic, as they do not harm the environment. Hemp fabrics, for example, last six times longer than cotton products, and boast “better properties in terms of their breathability.” 

But these glasses are neither the first nor the last product to be made from hemp. This bicycle, for example, is made from hemp fibres and bamboo. 

This one's frame is totally made of hemp:

Maybe you weren´t aware of it, but some men's underwear is also made with hemp:

And even skateboards:



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