The Spanish Parliament Rejects a Proposal to Fully Decriminalise Cannabis in Spain

  • It had been advanced by the Izquierda Unida (United Left) party, and also sought to develop a clearer regulatory framework for Spain's cannabis associations. Due to popular opposition, a lack of regulation will continue to hamper the activity of these clubs and their regular users.

With votes against by the PP, the Congress-Senate Joint Committee for the study of drugs rejected a bill supported by Izquierda Unida, which aimed to completely decriminalise the use and possession of cannabis. The IU also aimed to develop a "clear" regulatory framework for Spanish cannabis clubs.

Popular Party representative Joaquín Villanova stated that the debate on the full decriminalisation of marijuana is "repetitive" in Parliament. He pointed out that in Spain consumption "is not punishable" unless practiced on the street or in public spaces. He believes that the desire for decriminalisation is a fad, and that a balance must be struck, there not being sufficient administrative or public health reasons to warrant a change to the current legal framework.

Izquierda Unida representative Ricardo Sixto, meanwhile, stated that prohibition has been in place for "too many years" and has not produced the desired effects. Therefore, he proposes making whatever legislative changes are necessary, to both the Criminal Code and the Public Safety Act, to fully decriminalise the use and possession of cannabis.

He added that there are more and more voices, both in Spain and internationally, calling for a legal change in this regard. "We must lift the burden of prohibition and legality from what ought to be a public health problem," he said. PSOE (Socialist) representative María del Puerto Gallego, meanwhile, acknowledged that the war on drugs has utterly failed, and favours promoting a public debate "with participation by all."

It should be noted that the initiative proposed the completion of a study and the development of a "clear framework" for cannabis associations or clubs that a have special influence on cities, like Barcelona. According to Sixto, "the regulation is feeble, and must be strengthened." A few days ago, however, a Supreme Court sentence did lay down some guidelines regarding the criteria that such associations need to follow in order to continue operating.


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