Smokapp Has Been Created, It Is a Totally Legal and Secure Application That Has Been Made to Organise Spanish Cannabis Clubs

  • The app will help members of these organisations to be connected, make inquiries, bookings and get informed. It is now available for iOS and Android and has been approved by lawyers that specialise in the cannabis sector. 

Some clubs have already approved its beta phase and seem to be delighted with the result. We are talking about the application SmokeApp, that was presented in September during the Expogrow fair in Irún, Spain and which was created exclusively for the daily activity of these associations and their users. It is now available for iOS and Android and aims to become the easiest way of remaining in contact with the group whenever and wherever its members want.

Among other things, consumers will be able to find all of the strains available at the establishment, as well their most important characteristics, with assessments from other members. It will also be possible to receive external news or news relating to the group that will be dynamised by the app's administrators and other participants. On the other hand, those that download the app will be able to sign up for tournaments, meetings, workshops and talks and to synchronise each event in their calendar. That will also allow organisers to have a good idea of the number of people expected to attend.

Likewise, it also possible to make bookings, upload photos, comment on other publications and control consumption.

The tool has been analysed and tested by lawyers that are experts in cannabis matters. Therefore and because it is a closed circuit (it can only be used by members), the application puts users at ease: its exclusivity means that it is a secure operating space. Also, the fact that it is not a form of advertising prevents bad practice in relation to consumption and growing of the plant.

Any club can use the app; members only have to request a username and access key. It has never been so easy to be connected with your closest cannabis sector. 


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