A Night at the Cannabis Museum

  • Abe Gray, director of the first museum in honour of marijuana in New Zealand, has decided to open the museum’s doors to tourists that want to stay in the space. Cannabis lovers can enjoy a room at a modest price, as well as exhibitions, documentary screenings and even organised excursions

Two years ago New Zealand’s first museum dedicated to cannabis, Whakamana, opened its doors to the public. Its director, Abe Gray, a well-known activist that defends legalisation, wanted to create a space paying tribute to marijuana in order to educate visitors about its benefits.

The success of the initial idea has led Gray to take the project even further: he has now decided to provide accommodation for guests that want to spend the night in this peculiar museum located in the town of Dunedin. In fact, you can now rent a room on the tourism accommodation website Airbnb. You can enjoy a large bed, wardrobe, plugs, and some plants, according to the advertisement published on the platform, and all for a price of 55 dollars (about 48 euros) per night.

“Many tourists come here and they love the cannabis museum so I thought ‘Why not give them the chance to stay if they want?’”, explained Gray. The venue also has exhibitions about cannabis culture, a cinema room, a café with internet access and even a space to buy bitcoins and surf the deep web.

Documentary screenings on Thursdays and barbecues on Sunday afternoons are among the other activities that cannabis lovers can take advantage of if they come to stay at this museum that has been reconverted into a hostel. Also, Gray even wants to organise personalised tours for travellers, such as an excursion to the 4/20 event that takes place at the University of Otago, in order to enable travellers to experience the favourite festival of cannabis lovers that is held on 20 April.


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