MultiHemp Project: Cannabis from Extremadura Is Converted into Oils and Cosmetics

  • Dispelling the stigmas surrounding the cannabis plant is no easy task. Research and international cooperation, however, are pointing the way to deal with this situation. MultiHemp, featuring Spanish participation, is a project that aims to improve the effectiveness of hemp cultivation and allow society to appreciate its enormous advantages.

The Agrifood Technology Centre of Extremadura (CTAEX) is a business association founded in 2001 in order to conduct research into and bolster the competitiveness of Agriculture. To this end it collaborates on various projects, both national and international, that promote advances in the sector from different perspectives.

Among those receiving support is MultiHemp, an initiative encompassing a total of six universities, thirteen small and medium-sized enterprises, and three research centres in various countries of the European Union and China. Its objective is to improve the productivity of hemp cultivation and the quality of this raw material by applying cutting-edge advances.

Internationally, MultiHemp hopes to develop cannabis crops that can be used to produce various materials, such as fibre, oil, construction materials and biofuels. Each of the project's partners has been charged with performing research into one of them; in Extremadura, CTAEX is responsible for producing oils and cosmetics.

In order to carry out its work it cultivates a total of two hectares of hemp, harbouring the over 300,000 plants that allow the entity to produce seeds to develop oils and a range of personal care products. Rich in fatty acids, hemp boasts enormous benefits and therapeutic applications. To mention just a few, its oils are very effective in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome, inflammation, and arthritis. As for cosmetics, its wealth of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids make it ideal for virtually any skin type.

Although products derived from cannabis cultivation still cannot be marketed, the researchers' aim is for MultiHemp to demonstrate hemp's great quality, thereby generating a major impact on the market. After all, the cannabis industry is increasingly well-developed, and companies are, little by little, taking an interest in it.

MultiHemp, which began in 2012, ends later this year. During the month of December, in Brussels, the researchers are slated to demonstrate the objectives they have met. They are optimistic and look forward to this juncture, believing that their strong results will leave no doubts as to the efficacy of hemp cultivation.

It is essential to remember that hemp has been sown by various cultures for centuries, because it is a highly versatile, effective, and high-quality material, in addition to being environmentally friendly. Despite its advantages, the prohibitionist trend that stigmatised the marijuana plant in the 20th century led to a sharp decline in an industry that truly has a lot to offer.

Thus, it is vital that projects like MultiHemp be pursued and, particularly, that various countries participate in them. Ultimately research will be responsible for knocking down the barriers the industry faces and overcoming prejudices towards marijuana cultivation.


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