Massive “Smokeoff” in Front of the White House to Protest Cannabis Restrictions in the US Capital

  • Even though authorities in Washington DC approved the legalisation of marijuana a few days ago, now they have decided to backpedal and establish restrictions. Activists are willing to meet to smoke in public, as an act of protest. 

A few days ago Washington D.C passed the legalisation of marijuana by a popular vote. This week, however, the city council approved emergency legislation that will sink some of the original law's dispositions. The revision will hamper the liberalisation of marijuana consumption, about which the district had dreamed. 

The new restrictions include limiting marijuana to homes, with consumption not permitted at companies (private bars, hotels, restaurants or clubs). Those who have always fought for legalisation believe that these measures–effective immediately–make no sense and that those who smoke marijuana “are tired of living like delinquents”. For the same reason the American cannabis sector is thinking about demonstrating on 20 April in front of the White House

The objective is to hold a massive “smokeoff” so that a cloud of marijuana floods the place, as way to protest these restrictions (as has already been done in other states). Although more than a month remains until this protest, people are already scrambling to gather the greatest possible number of smokers. The mayor of Washington D.C, Muriel Bowser, has stated that it will be difficult to mobilise thousands of people for this symbolic act. She, along with other politicians, believes that if legalisation is not passed there will be “undesirable consequences” for the city. 

The Democratic opposition, meanwhile, has declared that it hopes that the activists do not dare to smoke in a public place. Adam Eidinger, one of the backers of legalisation in the District, thinks that the protest should go forward to uphold the right to smoke without prohibitions

With information from Washingtonpost.com and Usnews.com.


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