Liberation Has Been Secured for a Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Selling Cannabis

  • A petition at Change.org, public pressure, support from around one hundred legislators and the progressive regulation of the plant in the US have all helped Jeff Mizanskey, sentenced to life with no parole on marijuana-related charge. Now he walks free, after spending two decades behind bars. His case is creating optimism within the sector.

Jeff Mizanskey has spent two decades in prison as part of a life sentence for three marijuana related crimes committed between 1984 and 1993. Among them, there was one decisive crime: the possession of 2.7 kilograms of cannabis and an attempt to sell it. Now Jeff, aged 62, walked out of a Missouri prison like a free man, according to a public announcement by his lawyer. 

It was May when Mizanskey became a candidate to enjoy this concession. That was when the governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon, aimed to help several non-violent “delinquents” who had completed their sentences or who had not committed serious crimes. Previously, the prisoner had not had the option of being freed as he had been sentenced with a law that hands out harsh sentences for matters relating to cannabis. The regulation was amended last year, to make it more tolerant, a factor that helped this man to be freed.

On the other hand, approximately 130 legislators from Missouri had signed a letter to the governor in which they called for the sentence to be reconsidered. The issue began to gain public attention following a petition at Change.org launched by the prisoner’s son Chris that requested clemency from Nixon and a fair sentence for a non-violent crime such as this one. 

Chris explained that he was 14 years old when his father was imprisoned and that it has been a difficult experience having to visit him in prison. He also stated that he always maintained hope of seeing his father free one day so that he could enjoy the rest of his life. Using an official Facebook page, “Free Jeff Mizanskey”, he expressed his gratitude to everyone who has been supportive “throughout this torment”.

The news has been received with optimism, especially because between 2001 and 2010, in the United States alone, 88% of the 8 million arrests that took place in the country where related to the plant. Successive steps towards regulation of the plant are opening up the road for those who never lost hope of not being judged for appreciating cannabis. However, the victories will never provide justice for those who have been affected throughout their lives by judicial decisions similar to the one that Mizanskey had to accept. 


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