G FarmaLabs Plans to Build the US's Largest Commercial Growing Facility in a California Desert

  • The stream of news related to advances and innovations in the marijuana industry is constant, extending to virtually every corner of the planet. The latest story, this time out of the Californian desert, marks a new milestone: the construction of what will be the US's largest cannabis growing facility.

Desert Hot Springs is located in Riverside County, in the state of California, one of the country's largest and richest. The city, however, is often cited for the difficult economic situation it is facing, with a severe crisis even forcing the city to declare bankruptcy in 2014.

This time, however, it is in the news for a completely different reason: it has signed an agreement to host what is shaping up to be a booming industry in the US and one that will provide the resources needed for it to overcome its financial troubles.

Local authorities recognised that the cannabis market, which is making inroads in the country thanks to processes legalising the plant in several states, could be the solution to their problems. Thus, they reached an agreement with G FarmaLabs, which will be responsible for paving the way by constructing the US's largest commercial cannabis plant in the city.

What is slated to be the largest factory in the entire nation will occupy some 9,400 square meters. Construction will begin early next year and, once completed, feature a total of five buildings. There will be three permanent greenhouses and facilities for product processing and packaging.

In order to ensure its security FarmaLabs G has agreed to install cameras around the entire facility and to hire guards to monitor the facility area 24 hours a day.

There is no doubt that the legal cultivation of marijuana will offer Desert Hot Springs many benefits. Local residents, aware of this, are convinced that locating the businesses in the area will be very positive for the city. Mayor Scott Matas has commented on the advantages that the decision will provide, explaining that "we expect the G FarmaLabs project to provide more jobs, the diversification of the labour force, and about one million dollars in tax revenue, money we can use to invest in safety, education, health resources and infrastructure for our city."

G FarmaLabs has also announced its satisfaction and excitement, stating that it is going to turn Desert Hot Springs into an area full of greenhouses, a major agricultural centre in the middle of the desert.

The United States is becoming a true pioneer in the development of the legal marijuana market. As it continues to commit to innovation and investment in new business, there will be more and more stories like that of Desert Hot Springs, revealing the enormous benefits of decriminalising this very fruitful plant.


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