"Kosher" Medicinal Marijuana - Key for the Support of the Influential Jewish Community

  • New York's Jews are in luck. More and more rabbis approve of the legalisation and therapeutic use of marijuana.

Rabbi Moshe Elefant sees no problem with the legalisation of medicinal cannabis, as it has been demonstrated that it boasts "clear health benefits." Thus, kosher (referring to products accepted by the religion) marijuana could soon be a reality for New York's community of Orthodox Jews.

According to Elefant, who heads the Orthodox Union's kosher certification agency in the city, the institution has held talks with several parties interested in obtaining a seal certifying this guarantee for marijuana (even though this same agency has repeatedly refused to certify cigarettes in the same way). However, at this time there are no plans to allow the faithful to smoke the plant; its consumption would only be authorised in the form of tablets, food or drink.

There are many rabbis in the United States who are taking clear steps towards accepting the consumption of cannabis for therapeutic purposes, although they are quite leery with regards to recreational use, with many holding that non-medicinal marijuana use should be totally prohibited. 

American activists believe that it could be very positive if the Jewish community and its rabbis began to support marijuana, as on other occasions they have helped to quickly spawn social change. Some leading members of the country's Jewish community, like George Soros, have even helped to raise funds to support the legalisation of cannabis

This is a significant step because, until now, many Jewish communities had adopted positions against marijuana consumption. This religion's adherents cannot, in principle, consume certain plants out of fear that during their cultivation the seeds have been mixed with certain prohibited elements. Thus the need for a "kosher" certification, which seems to be in the pipeline.


With information from Lavanguardia.com and prensajudia.com


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