Kennedy Smoked Medical Marijuana in His Office

  • While the debate continues about cannabis in Washington D.C., and Obama favours legalisation in the administrative capital of the United States, we discover that one of his most famous predecessors smoked medicinal cannabis in the Oval Office: none other than John F. Kennedy. And he wasn't the only one...  

Kennedy used marijuana to treat the severe back pain he suffered and to control the effects of his Addison's disease. This is recorded in history books (such as John F. Kennedy: A Biography), citing as an example the night of 16 July, 1962, on which the Kennedys, Jim Truitt and Mary Meyer smoked cannabis together at the White House while chatting.

According to historical records, Kennedy suffered greatly from a pathology that affected his endocrine system, and that caused his suprarenal glands to produce insufficient steroid hormones, which resulted in abdominal pain, weakness, and low blood pressure (and could have even left him in a coma).

Addison's disease can develop when one's immunological system is damaged, or due to infections, and is one that requires treatment (based on steroid replacement) for life. The experts indicate that marijuana provides effective relief from the pathology, and also can help to treat other health problems commonly caused by Addison's.

Most likely Kennedy was not the only US president to smoke marijuana in his office. The American press also cites Bush (Jr.), Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Thomas Jefferson and even George Washington. We cannot confirm this, of course, but where there's smoke...


With information from Hightimes.com, Substance.com,Marijuanapatients.org


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