Grandmothers Are the Primary Consumers of Medical Cannabis in Illinois

  • At the end of this month, patients in the region will be able to legally purchase medical cannabis in dispensaries. According to a study in the state, those who most request the plant are women, at a rate of 60.1%, and most of them are over the age of 51.

In summer 2013, the state of Illinois, in the United States, approved a pilot test to allow the compassionate use of marijuana in the medical sector, which came into force on 1 January 2014 for a period of four years.

Now, a study carried out by the Department of Public Health of the state, has found that almost 22,600 people have requested to benefit from the plant’s properties over the last year and 2,600 have had their application approved up to now. The group that has made most requests to enjoy the profits of this natural medication is people between 51 and 60 years old, followed by those between 61 and 70.

What is most striking is that, among the groups that stand out, 60.1% of those who have asked for their doctor’s authorisation to use the plant are women (opposed to 39% of men); more than half of these women are over the age of 51. That is to say, those who most consume medical cannabis and request to use it are older women. This may be due to the fact that they are more responsible and always prefer to opt for the legal route.

In other states the situation is somewhat different. In Colorado, for example, men consume more than women. Meanwhile in California, there is an equal rate of medical cannabis requests between men and women, although women do so later in life.

Whatever the case, the measure has been especially devised for patients that suffer difficult illnesses such as fibromyalgia, cancer, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries, while chronic pain is not considered to be a valid reason to apply to use the plant. This also differs from other states such as Colorado, where 93% of requests are for chronic pain, or Arizona, where they account for 72%.

It is expected that at the end of this month the plant will begin to be sold legally in dispensaries in the state and that an increasing number of users will be able to obtain their new medication.


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