France would save 568 million euros per year (and would earn a lot more) if it stopped fighting against cannabis

  • The war against cannabis has always been expensive and inefficient. This is also the case in France. Despite the fact that it is one of the countries with the strongest prohibition stance, France is the country with the highest cannabis consumption rate within the European Union. If the country was to leave its prohibition fight aside, the economic benefits could be really substantial. 

The researchers behind a study carried out by the French socialist foundation Terra Nova  have stated that repression against marihuana producers and consumers is producing no benefits for the French. They believe that France should adopt a policy of liberalization towards marihuana, similar to the one adopted in the United States. One of the main arguments they put forward is the great cost of the repressive French policies: firstly, the country could save up to 568 million euros per year, which they normally allocate to the fight against cannabis.

Additionally, they have envisaged three possible scenarios and have analysed them in order to understand how they would benefit the country’s economy. The first scenario involves legalizing consumption; this would significantly reduce the amount set aside in the budget to fight against cannabis. 

The second scenario relates to legalizing the production, sale and consumption of cannabis (as a public monopoly). This would lead to an increase in the price of marihuana (40% higher than current prices). The price rise would create tax earnings valued at 1.3 billion euros per year, with possible takings of up to 1.8 billion euros. The third scenario involves the legalization of the product within a market environment; this would ensure that prices did not rise too much.

According to the research group, France would benefit from the second scenario in economic terms and the consumers would benefit with regard to consumption related questions. Consumers would stop being persecuted and they could have access to quality products without the fear of reprisals.


Information taken from Tnova.fr


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