Five Developments that Could Be Key for Marijuana in 2015

  • 2014 came full of good news (and, unfortunately, others not so good) for the cannabis community at the international level, and we are sure that 2015 will be just as eventful. These are some of the dates that could be key for marijuana lovers.

1. As we announced a few weeks ago, as of the first quarter of 2015 Catalan doctors will be able to prescribe cannabis-based medicines for cancer patients. The medication is Sativex (developed based on sativa cannabis) and may be used as a complement to traditional therapy and taken by those who suffer nausea after going through chemotherapy.

2. You surely remember that the Italian Army began to grow therapeutic marijuana so that citizens of the country with serious health problems didn’t have to resort to the black market to acquire their medicine. It will be (or should be) in 2015 when cannabis begins to be distributed there.

3. In May of 2015 legally-grown medicinal marijuana will be legally distributed for the first time in Chile(and in all Latin America). This cannabis is being cultivated in La Florida (Santiago de Chile) as part of an initiative by the Daya Foundation, and will benefit 200 cancer patients.

4. Uruguay legalized the distribution of marijuana in pharmacies at the end of 2013, and had slated its commercialization for late 2014. However, due to “practical difficulties” cited by President Jose Mújica, its sale was delayed until 2015.

5. 2014 has been a fantastic year for the legalization of cannabis in the United States, and in 2015 more advances are expected in the industry. Senator Liz Krueger will present a bill intended to legalize medicinal marijuana in New York, Texas will debatethe legalization of marijuana in January, and the citizens of Ohio might be able to vote on a constitutional amendment proposed by the group ResponsibleOhio to allow a small group of people to grow and sell marijuana, wholesale, for medicinal use.

And these will not be the only cannabis-related events that will take place in 2015, a year that promises to be a positive one for marijuana. We will continue to be on the lookout, to provide further information on a cause that is also ours, and to welcome all the initiatives that arise.


With information from,,,,, and


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