Denmark Has a Problem: Its Cannabis Has Tripled in Strength (And That Is Not Always Good)

  • In 1992 the level of THC in the plants sold on Danish streets stood at 8%. Today it is up to 28%. The country's cannabis boasts higher quality, because it is grown with great care, but it also has much stronger effects, which warrants more caution. 

According to a recent Danish annual report on health and medicine, the marijuana currently sold in the country is stronger than that from 20 years ago, a fact demonstrated by analyses carried out by three forensic chemistry teams working with the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University of Aarhus.

Those behind the project analysed samples of marijuana obtained in three of the country's largest cities, and found that today average THC (psychoactivity) were at 28%, while back in 1992 they stood at just 8%. Christian Lindholst, one of those behind the study, explained that the difference is huge; the plant today is not only of higher quality, but is also up to three times stronger.

The change in its characteristics has a lot to do with how it is grown. Plants used to be cultivated and harvested outdoors in places like Morocco and Lebanon. Under these conditions their quality and effects were limited. However, some time ago production shifted to European countries, featuring farms with artificial lighting, ventilation, fertilisers and whole range of products enhancing their cultivation, with every step closely controlled and measured.

Although in this respect the situation has dramatically improved in recent years, it is also necessary to underscore that the composition of the marijuana, with regards to its psychoactive substance, is quite different, and some suspect that this variation may entail risks or adverse effects for cannabis users. Such high THC levels may mean more side effects, especially among those who smoke several times a day. Therefore, the Danes must keep a watch out to continue enjoying their favourite plant. 


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