Origen Indica Sativa

Change Your Morning Coffee for Sativa Cannabis: It Also Wakes You up and Is Much Healthier

  • The plant has stimulating properties and does not cause anxiety, insomnia or nervousness.
  • Rather, it alleviates pain and helps the user to be more alert.
  • However, the traditional drink causes dependency and has undesired secondary effects.
Origen Indica Sativa

For many it is irresistible, a tradition, an obligatory event every morning that is sometimes repeated after lunch and even at night (in the case of the most daring). There are those that take it for pleasure, even when the doctor prohibits it. Others take it due to the need to stay awake, to perform better during the day or to provide an energy boost. With milk, without it, short, long or a cappuccino, coffee has a long history at our tables. Some believe that it is irreplaceable but they are wrong.

Consuming sativa cannabis in the morning and at any point throughout the day is much better. At the end of the day, the caffeine content in the drink prevents sleepiness and increases energy levels but it also has undesired secondary effects. Among other things, its regular consumption causes slight dependency.

From a medical point of view, THC is highly valued for its stimulating properties and the effects of sativa cannabis have often been compared to those of the classic drink. However, the THC does not cause problems such as anxiety, insomnia and nervousness, which is what does happens with caffeine.

On the contrary, sativa marijuana is known to alleviate pain, in muscles for example or that suffered from migraines. It also improves hearing and sight, and following consumption, it makes the user more alert and able to notice stimulation that they were previously unaware of.

Who would not want to achieve the same positive effects of coffee without having to put up with the negative side effects? Sativa cannabis has lots of advantages; it is much healthier and helps to encourage greater creativity and euphoria. Having it is the kitchen cupboard is as simple as storing sugar.


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