Celebration of the '18 Joint' in France, a Day of Demands for Cannabis Lovers

  • A manifesto published in the newspaper 'Libération' in 1976 was the starting point of this day, that was brought back several years later by organisations who defend the legalisation of cannabis. Today, various associations and collectives will meet in Paris, Lille and Marseille in order to continue the tradition of the '18 joint'

In 1976, the prestigious French newspaper 'Libération' published 'L'Appel du 18 joint', a manifesto supported by several people that called for the legalisation of marijuana. The text demanded "the complete depenalisation of cannabis, of its use, possession, growth (home growing) and bringing a normal amount for consumption into France". The manifesto also outlined that cigarettes, aspirin, and café formed part of daily life for French people while cannabis was illegal and could lead you to end up in "prison or a psychiatrist office".

Years later, in 1993, the text became a shared demand and every year on 18 June, protests take place in France in order to reactivate the debate about marijuana. First of all, the protests started in Paris and Lyon and then spread to other cities.

The Collective for Cannabis Information and Research in France (CIRC are the French initials) continues to remember the importance of the date and has organised marches for all cannabis lovers who want to join the initiative. In 2015, their main demand is for the Government to look at the example set by states in the U.S. where the plant has already been legalised, such as Colorado and Washington.

This afternoon, the Villete Park in Paris, association and collective will meet up in a relaxed atmosphere, with music taking centre stage, in order to demand marijuana regulation. Similar meetings will also take place in Lille, Tours, Poitiers and Marseille, and it is especially hoped that there will be lots of young people present.

The consumption of cannabis in France rose in 2014: 11% of French people consumed marijuana at some stage last year, as opposed to 8% in 2009, according to official statistics. The figures show that the demands of the '18 joint' and organisations such as CIRC make more sense than ever, at a time when legalisation is beginning to become an alternative in various places across the world. If you wish, you can support 'L'Appel' manifesto here.


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