Cannabis Recycling: a Pizza Box that Becomes a Marijuana Pipe

  • It is an irresistible pleasure for many to enjoy the effects of cannabis while tasting a delicious slice of pizza. Thanks to the following invention, these two interests have been rolled into one in a most curious manner. Both cardboard and a great deal of creativity have gone into the making of what amounts to a pipe and a pizza box at the same time. 

Push For Pizza is a smartphone application with which one can order a pizza without having to make a call or go to the nearest pizza parlour. Nikolas Gregory is a designer who has a studio in downtown New York. All these minds have jointly participated in the making of a truly striking innovation – both for regular cannabis users and casual onlookers.

This distinctive novelty is a pizza box that can be turned into a pipe for smoking marijuana. The box in question includes a tear-away flap that, if one follows the instructions given, can become a ‘pizza pipe’. All you need, therefore, is a pair of scissors and some dexterity.

The plastic stand, akin to a small table and created for preventing the pizza from being crushed by the top of the box, has also been given a new use. Now made of ceramic, it has been designed in such a way as to still serve its traditional purpose while simultaneously functioning as an excellent bong for the pipe.

In case this should not be enough, one must add that the box (along with the pipe) is 100% environmentally friendly as it is entirely made of recycled materials. The piece that functions as a bong is highly heat-resistant, so it can be used for smoking without any problems.

Push For Pizza says that the pipe has been tested and that it “should last a long time,” adding that users have no need to worry about it burning, as long as one is not too careless with the flame of the lighter.

“No longer will one have to search for a pipe before or struggle to remember the telephone number of the pizza parlor after its use.” This is how Push for Pizza is announcing its new idea, which at present is no more than a concept, far from the reach of cannabis users or lovers of Italian food.

The creators involved have made it clear that there are no plans to launch this product onto the market. Fortunately, however, Push for Pizza have said that they are considering launching some units for a limited period of time to see how they are received.


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