The Cannabis Church Celebrates its First 'Mass' to Combat the Stigma of the Plant

  • The legalisation of marijuana has paved the way for all manner of innovative and diverse initiatives.  This current of ideas now includes a cannabis religion. Using the standpoint of spirituality, its members expect to make sceptics understand the great advantages of medical cannabis.

Lansing, the capital of the state of Michigan, may be regarded as one of the pioneers in the United States in legalising marijuana consumption, as it has been enjoying its benefits since the year 2008. Throughout these eight years, it has had time to develop a solid business model while being innovative within a rising, constantly changing industry. However, it has also been able to realise that, despite liberation, marijuana is still attached to negative stigmas. In order to address these, the city has chosen to promote initiatives for exploding the stereotypes that afflict the minds of the most sceptical.

One of these initiatives has been the creation of the First Cannabis Church of Logic and Reason, a non-denominational religion that has already organised its first mass to fight the stigma associated with marijuana use.

This peculiar rite, akin to that of any other religion, takes place on Sundays after 1 p.m. Jeremy Hall, the minister of this cannabis religion, is in charge of officiating the ceremony. Moreover, he is himself a medicinal marijuana user and has pointed out that Lansing is the ideal location for his church, as it has shown support for medical cannabis and dispensaries since the passing of the Medical Marihuana Act in the year 2008.

“What I'm hoping to accomplish in the long run is to provide a place where people can be spiritual, but can also feel safe to take any of their medication," says Hall. "If they also feel cannabis is part of their spirituality, they can combine the two in a safe environment.”

Their prospects for the future are good. He believes that his is only the first of many other cannabis churches in the state of Michigan. Hall’s church now has its own Facebook page, which defines itself as a place that “leaves religious theology up to the individual”. With this church, he is trying to share his personal moral growth among community members and bring about a philosophical understanding.

Far from merely appealing to medicinal marijuana patients, the Cannabis Church of Logic and Reason encourages all citizens to visit the place. Keeping an open mind, they will have the opportunity to understand the benefits of the plant while also discovering that many of the negative perceptions attached to its use are unsupported by reality.

This peculiar, thoroughly altruistic church will also take in a collection, whose benefits will not be economic or go to the institution. The main purpose of this initiative is that of encouraging those people attending mass to bring their leftover marihuana so that it can be distributed among those patients in need of treatments they have no access to.


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