Can Marijuana Be Used Again Once It Is Vaporised?

  • Although experts do not recommend that it is smoked, it can be used for cannabis cooking or for medical tinctures. It is such a beneficial plant that its remaining THC should not go to waste.

It is common to treat marijuana with different vaporisation processes or techniques in order to derive different products from it, such as oils or pastas which can then be consumed. To achieve this, the cannabis plant is treated at high temperatures in order to obtain the THC that it contains and it usually evaporates before becoming liquid again and solidifying.

Although experts do not believe that it is a good idea to smoke the plant that remains after the process, they think that it can still be employed for other uses. When the cannabis is treated with different vaporisation processes to obtain cannabinoids, it is not always possible to extract all of the psychoactive elements. It depends on the temperature that the plant has been subjected to. To use the plant again, it is usually recommendable to have a heat that is not too high. Otherwise, the plant will end up blackened and crunchy.

Therefore, applying heat between 170 ° and 190 ° would be the most advisable; there will be no impact on the effect of the cannabinoids, given that between 20% and 30% of the THC will be retained. It is ideal for preparing marijuana butter, provided that you use a product with a high fat content and more cannabis than usual.

On the other hand, it is also possible to create tinctures with this vaporised marijuana. The technique is simple: you simply need to mix the reused cannabis with alcohol and then distil it and create the end product. The result is usually a good alternative for those that are beginning consumption for medical purposes, as they will be able to experience its benefits without overly powerful effects.


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