The British Government Opts to Ignore 200,000 Signatures Demanding the Legalisation of Cannabis

  • David Cameron's government has stated that it does not intend to regulate marijuana, despite the success of a popular web initiative calling for the legalisation of its production, sale and consumption. In any case, the Parliament must now debate the issue.

More than 200,000 signatures endorsing the regulation of the production, sale and consumption of cannabis. This is the number collected by James Owen, a young proponent of cannabis decriminalisation in the United Kingdom, through a popular Web initiative in which he stated that legalisation would bring in 900 million pounds (1.262 billion euros) in taxes and create 10,000 jobs.

This petition's request forces the British Parliament to address the issue. However, the Government has already come out and responded that it does not intend change the law to regulate grass. David Cameron's administration has stated that marijuana is a detrimental substance and that this would send the wrong message to young people and other vulnerable groups.

Even so, the great number of signers forces the legislators to consider the holding of this debate: all petitions garnering over 100,000 signatures must be taken up by the British Parliament.

Reactions to the Executive's announcement came quickly. Peter Reynolds, president of Clear UK, a group that supports regulation, has blamed the Government of being “dishonest, confusing and deceptive.”

Jason Reed, executive director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition UK, stated that the issue had made it into the public spotlight even before reaching the Parliament. Reed hopes to get his members to take his side during the holding of the preliminary debate.

In 2013 a survey indicated that 53% of citizens were in favour of the legalisation of the production and supplying of cannabis and the decriminalisation of its possession. It remains to be seen whether the Parliament as a body will agree with the people or take the Government's stance.


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