A Study Shows That Riding a Bicycle after Consuming Cannabis Is Not Dangerous

  • The research, carried out by German and Austrian experts, determines that scarcely any coordination disruption is detected among those that ride the vehicle under the influence of cannabis. This is another step forward for scientific research in the sector and a finding that will bring joy to those that love the plant and sport.

Going for a bicycle ride in the countryside or along the beach can be one of life’s greatest pleasures. There are people that are not prepared to give that up, and much less, to forget the enjoyment from their favourite plant (in fact, the combination of both things can be perfect). Up until recently it was thought that smoking cannabis could affect all kinds of drivers, and obviously, also those on bicycles. However, a recent study undertaken by German and Austrian researchers shows that enjoying this type of vehicle along with cannabis is not dangerous.

Specifically, they have discovered that doing sport on two wheels after consuming cannabis does not appear to have a negative influence on the subject’s ability to drive safely. In order to reach this conclusion, the professionals examined a group of 14 people (12 men and 2 women) after they had ridden the form of transport and overcome an obstacle course.

First of all they did so without smoking. Then, they did it after smoking one, two or three cannabis cigarettes. In all of the cases, they did so following the specific instructions of the experts: participants in the experiment had to inhale for 4 seconds, keep the smoke inside for 10 seconds and exhale for 15 seconds.

During the course they came up against obstacles in their way or that rolled across their path. There were also verbal interruptions and unexpected lights. Although it is true that the most “serious” errors occurred when they were under the effects of the plant “barely any disturbance to coordination was detected when under the influence of high or very high levels of THC”, notes the study published in the International Journal of Legal Medicine.

The experts warn that this test cannot be applied to driving cars; that would depend on another type of study. However, the results are a relief for all cannabis fans that like to enjoy beautiful landscapes on two wheels and this is a step forward for scientific research into the cannabis world. 


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