Barcelona Cracks Down on Cannabis Clubs’ Smoke Vents

  • The poor condition of the smoke vents at some Barcelona cannabis clubs has led to a temporary freeze on new associations, and the City has approved a regulation to limit emissions that it considers a health hazard.

Barcelona has just finished approving an ordinance to limit the smoke emissions from marijuana at cannabis clubs. According to City Hall the objective is to prevent a “situation of risk to public health,” which is why it is necessary to maintain a predetermined monitoring system.

The text states that although these types of clubs engage in a legal activity, the concentration of people in them multiplies the emission of cannabis smoke which, when surpassing the optimal threshold, “can pose risks to people's health.” 

According to the directive these emissions contain “toxic, cancerous, psychotropic and odorous” elements like Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), and the cannabinoids themselves. Hence, “the appropriate corrective measures will be taken” to put an end to this situation. 

The authorities state that this regulation was approved to make all users follow criteria compliant with the cannabis association legalisation procedure. 

This measure marks a first restriction before proceeding with their comprehensive regulation, after in June of 2014 the City of Barcelona proceeded to suspend the opening of new clubs for one year until the regulation of their activity was effective. One of the reasons this decision was taken was precisely due to the substandard smoke vents at some clubs. 

The regulation forms part of Barcelona's Municipal Ordinance on Activities and Intervention by the Environmental Administration (OMAIIAA), which intends for environmental/technical certifications to take into account previous analyses and verifications. 


With information from infosalus.com and Lavanguardia.com


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