Australian Father Arrested for Treating his Daughter with Medical Marijuana

  • Adam Koessler is an Australian father who faces a possible prison sentence for having treated his two-year-old daughter, who suffers from an advanced stage of cancer, with marijuana oil. According to the man, his daughter showed clear signs of improvement thanks to the cannabis.

Adam Koessler has been in custody since 2 January for having sought to alleviate the suffering of his two-year-old daughter, who suffers from a serious cancer in her nervous system, and faces a 50% chance of survival, by treating her with cannabis oil.

The desperate father was arrested during a routine visit to the oncologist who regularly treats the minor, and not only faces a prison sentence, but is accused of possessing and administering “dangerous drugs” to a minor (under 16 years of age).

In his defence Koessler maintains that his child had improved considerably since she began to take marijuana oil mixed with coconut - something that the authorities seem reluctant to accept. He insists that "all he wanted to do was relieve her pain" and that the girl had begun to eat, gain weight, be active, go places with him, and was no longer constantly sleepy (as she was previously) since she began to take the natural remedy.

Koessler also stated that his daughter's skin had begun to look healthier, and her eyes “were sparkling again.” The girl is now in intensive care, medicated with morphine (after suffering several seizures after being taken off the cannabis oil) and her father will have to make his case in court.

His lawyer holds that it is cruel to keep a father away from his daughter, especially when he acted “out of love” and in order to prolong the youth's life. For precisely this reason Change.org had gathered over 135,000 signatures (when news was published) asking for Adam Koessler to be released.


With information from Cuatro.com, Mirror.co.uk


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