Anonymous Calls for a Phone Campaign to Protest Laws Criminalising Cannabis

  • The group called on people to phone senators from all across America and ask them to hear the people's voice. It explained that the action is completely legal, and has asked participants to be polite and give their honest opinions.

The renowned international group of cyberactivists Anonymous has announced a mass protest on November 6 to promote the legalisation of marijuana. The action will involve a wave of phone calls to US senators through which anonymous people will seek to speak with their public representatives to complain about legislation classifying cannabis as a dangerous and prohibited drug.

Known for its operations on the Internet, Anonymous announced the news in a statement released by AnonHQ, one of its main communication instruments. The action was supported by Softpedia, the Libertarian Party and Marijuana World News.

"Take five minutes out of your day, call your representative and demand legalisation," reads the call to every American. So that anyone can do so and nobody gets lost along the way, the group included the official page containing the contact information for all US Senators.

The organisation believes that the only way ordinary people can have an impact on legislation is by publicly pressuring their representatives, especially when more than half of the population supports marijuana legalisation, but only four of 50 states have actually taken that step. Therefore, they are asking participants to express their honest opinions, in a polite and courteous way.

They also explained that the protest is perfectly legal, as the phone numbers in question are public, for anyone to call: "Don't be afraid, you're not doing anything wrong, this is your responsibility as a citizen." This is an obligation, that of making the voice of the people be heard loud and clear.

It is not the first time that Anonymous has supported the marijuana cause: in 2012 it launched "Operation Cannabis," with a similar objective: to spread the truth about the plant and discuss its properties.


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