Germany Wants to Create a State Cannabis Agency

  • It will allow seriously ill patients to obtain the products with a prescription, the cost to be covered by their health insurance, and for certain companies to cultivate it. A German delegation recently travelled to Uruguay to learn about the work being done there in the field of marijuana.

Germany has recognised the importance of medical cannabis, and seized the initiative for the sake of its patients. A few days ago the European country announced the possibility of creating a cannabis agency to regulate the consumption, cultivation and distribution of marijuana in the therapeutic field for seriously ill patients, though the- bill that has yet to be approved by Parliament.

According to the initial information, provided by Marlene Mortler, Germany's Drug Commissioner, this institution will not allow sick people to grow their own medical marijuana, but it will allow them access to it. Certificates will probably be issued so that certain companies can grow marijuana and distribute it to patients, pending prescriptions, following Canada's current model.

A decision of this nature was bound to be announced, as the country currently has some 400 legal consumers of therapeutic grass, most of them patients suffering from terminal cancer. However, to obtain the product they need to import it from the Netherlands, which means prices of 15 to 20 euros per gram. Plans now call for this cost to be covered by health insurance.

Moreover, at present the drug is only produced by a company that supplies just four strains, very few compared to those in the US.

Meanwhile, a German delegation visited Uruguay to study the process for the implementation of legal marijuana use in the country, and how they are handling the product in their health system. Edgar Franke, a leader of the group that travelled there, explained that Europe is closely following the path the South American nation is taking. Now is Germany's chance.


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