Alaska, the First US State with Legal Marijuana That Allows People to Smoke at Sale Points

  • The region has put itself at the forefront in the country, ahead of those that legalised first. However, it is still necessary to determine what can be consumed in places that, while public, are restricted to specific clients, for example, wedding halls.

In February, Alaska became the third place in the United States to allow the legal consumption of marijuana for recreational purposes, following in the footsteps of Colorado and Washington. Oregon followed after it. According to the initial information published at the time, it would be illegal to smoke cannabis in public, however consumption outside would be legal provided that it took place on a private property.

Now, the Control Committee responsible for creating legalisation rules in the state has voted to allow users the right to enjoy the plant in the shops where it is sold. Alaska thus becomes the first of the four states that have legalised, to take this decision.

The fact is that, although the initiative to legalise the plant was approved in November 2014 and “public consumption” was prohibited, there was no definition of what public was intended to mean. Some people believed that the term could be restrictive by not bearing in mind the possibility of being in for example, a wedding hall, or a company party.

Therefore, the body in charge of the matter has modified the definition so as to allow the use of cannabis in a specific area: shops with a license to sell it. As things stand, Cynthia Franklin, director of the Committee, has declared that she expects new regulations that also determine the type of marijuana that is allowed at the establishments. Others believe that the term continues to be restrictive and that new revisions should be carried out.

Meanwhile, in Colorado it is still forbidden to consume marijuana in public places and bars. Tourists and activists have shown their disappointment, given that many have been fined for smoking on pavements or in parks.


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